
Katharina Kasinger


Our social behaviour and embedded value systems are determined by the architectural and educational spaces we inhabit. Spaces that have been constructed by modernist paradigms that reduce social-spatial relations into logocentric products of rationalized functions and standardized, pre-defined boxes.

To find new formats of knowledge beyond static categories, tacit(t)act introduces an interactive approach of un-learning pre-occupied knowledge systems of disciplinary landscapes, re-learning through embodiment, positionality and relatability and co-learning through collaborative acts of non-verbal knowledge transfer with tactiles. Tactiles are relational mediums of un-learning that alienate separating, readable urban structures into abstracted, unreadable, perceptive tools that disrupt familiar habits of thought and passive modes of engagement.

The ambiguous tactile interactions create embodied experiences of spatial proximity and connection that reflect an intimate tension between bodies and the tacit knowledge they comprise. Tacit(t)act seeks to rethink educational and spatial mechanisms by co-creating ephemeral, situational architectures that enact non-hierarchical, multidisciplinary, non-competitive, subjective but collaborative acts as the source of spatial knowledge.

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