S.O.A.P., Saponification of All Paradigms

Milena Sekulic


As the world goes into an obsession with hygiene in a form of fastidious sterility, it becomes almost unimaginable to discuss bathing as a sensuous and introspective form. The current sanitary cells, we call bathrooms, feed germaphobia onto the heteronormative understanding of the body. Our intimate, domestic spaces have gradually managed to completely alienate the relationship with our own exposed bodies.

S.O.A.P., Saponification of All Paradigms, is an interactive installation that invites the viewer to the production of embodied fantasies to reignite more intimate and speculative arrangements within spatial typologies. With the use of organic soap, the project re-composes physiological elements into new structures that reclaim new possibilities of our bathroom spaces. It allows for saturated, multi-layered place of intense psycho-social dynamics within the bathroom, often hidden from the public eye.

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