The Inhabitants of The Wall

Fei Alexeli


In the late 60’s people were fantasizing the idea of working from home. The idea that one does not have to get out of bed to be connected with the outside world. Nowadays, we have the ability to work from any place in the world, whether this is our bed or a seat in a train while traveling. Technology and internet gave permission to work and access data from anywhere. But maybe in this apparent infinite freedom, our own captivity is concealed.

The beginning might have started the moment post industrialization merged work and life. As Gramsci notes ‘the new methods of work are inseparable from a specific mode of living and of thinking and feeling life’ (Gramsci, 1992). This inseparable relationship with the help of internet and its ‘flexibility’ has nowadays created the 24/7 generation, always online and always available.

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