Master Interior Architecture:
Research + Design


Spatial practice binds the collection. Projects are rooted in real-life issues; climate crisis, social justice, artificial intelligence, post-colonial practice, materialism, gender politics, global health, and post-humanism, to name a few. The search portal gives visitors access to the projects through different navigational features. Photographs, prototypes, videos, drawings, writings, installations, exhibitions, and publications are interconnected offering multiple ways to interface with and study the content.

animation still by Yannick Gregoire

A Moth in the Room

A Moth in the Room is an exhibition featuring graduation works by eight researchers and designers from the Master Interior Architecture: Research + Design (MIARD) at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, who explore what it means to practise within the field of spatial design today. The exhibition includes projects by: Silvia Elisa Bianchini, Mila Broomberg, Anna Krikke, Josephine Goverts, Nicole Jessé, Artemis Mitsiou, Sungryul Jun and Anna Maria Zuech.

visuals by figure ten

Extraction — A trans-scalar inquiry

This publication is the first issue of Spatial Folders, a thematic periodical that is produced by the faculty of Master Interior Architecture: Research and Design (MIARD) program at Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. It is composed of a selection of graduation theses alongside contributions by guest authors that focus on urgent socio-cultural, socio-political, and ecological issues that affect the (built) environment and its representation regimes.

image by Chiara Catalini

Alumni news: Stimuleringsfonds, Internationaization of the design sector grant

Eva Garibaldi (MIARD alumna, 2021) and Ana Laura Richter (Swamp_Matter) are developing the project The Stones Only Appear to Be Non-Living in collaboration with Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency and Aksioma Institute for Contemporary Art. The project explores underground cave systems and their geological formations to imagine speculative climate futures. The central question is: How can we convey the untold stories within speleothems and speculate on climate futures through them?

The Stones Only Appear to Be Non-Living